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User Interviews Recruitment

Revolutionizing User Interviews

& Participants Recruitment

Unlock a seamless journey from user profiling to insightful conversations. With Screeb, you get a holistic view of your users, precision targeting for interviews, and AI-powered insights aggregation.

Transform the way you understand and engage with your user base.

Streamlined user interviews and recruitment for deeper insights.

From user insights to impactful interviews, Screeb has you covered.

A Real Time Profile for each User

Get a unique profile for each of your users and see who they are and how they use your product.

Precisely Target People

Proactively target specific groups of users that are relevant for your studies.

Book User Interviews in Minutes

Connect Screeb to Calendly and see interviews magically appear in your calendar.

Gather Learnings and Make Better Decisions

Aggregate user learnings from interviews, reports, and surveys in Screeb. Ask natural questions with AI to make better, faster decisions.

Comprehensive User Profiles

Dive deep into comprehensive user profiles, capturing every action and survey response.

This clarity empowers you to conduct richer user interviews, understanding the very pulse of your product's user base.

Targeted Participant Recruitment

Harness the power of data-driven targeting.

Curate lists for interviews, user tests, or beta tests based on user behavior, demographics, and survey feedback, ensuring every interaction yields maximum value.

High-Efficiency In-App Outreach

Elevate your recruitment strategy with in-app prompts that boast a remarkable 60% response rate.

Engage users directly within their journey, ensuring timely and relevant feedback.

Automated Interview Scheduling

Eliminate the scheduling chaos.

Let Screeb seamlessly populate your calendar with user interviews, ensuring you're always in conversation with your users, not lost in coordination.

AI-Driven Knowledge Repository

Centralize and analyze your user interview insights with our 'Learnings' feature.

Ask away, and our AI will distill your data into actionable insights, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and informed decision-making.

Made for Every Product Team

B2B SaaS
Screeb helps us to spot product improvements and to align our teams on the right priorities. It became a central tool for our Product Team to build the future of accounting software.

Arthur Waller

CEO @Pennylane

B2C Mobile App
Our industry is highly competitive so we need to craft the best app on the market.Screeb helps us to that at every stage of our projects.

Louay Ali

Principal Product Owner @Rabbit

Checking Screeb is now the first thing I do every morning. It helps us to spot frictions and improvement opportunities that we’ve never discovered before.

Florian Ardérighi

Head of Product @Smallable

Get started with Screeb today