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Ask In-App Questions to Collect Actionable

Product Feedback

Don't settle for quantitative data only when you try to better understand your users. Switch on the light and get the 'why' behind metrics by asking targeted questions to collect product feedback. Monitor NPS, CSat or CES and ask for customer feedback right from your product.

Gather informations at every step of the user journey

Expert Written Templates

30+ templates developed by our team of customer feedback experts to get responses for every questions you may have.

Expert Written Survey Templates

Breakthrough Survey Experience

We revamped the in-app survey experience to help you get more responses. In average, our survey have a skyrocketing 60% response rate!

Breakthrough Survey Experience

Dig in our Surveys Reports

Performances, Response Rate, Scores, Breakdown, Content Analysis... Get all the reports you need to understand your users.

Spot Pain Points with Funnel Analysis

See who's dropping where and ask in-app questions to understand why and what you should improve.

Ask Questions to Targeted Users

Ask questions to all your users or to specific parts of your audience. With our powerful targeting capacities, you can precisely decide who will see your questions and where they'll be displayed in their journey.

30+ Expert Written Templates

Go beyond NPS with our library of templates created by our team of experts. Product Feedback, User Recruitment, Prioritize Features, User Qualification, Sign up or Onboarding experience evaluation... We cover all the main use cases that your product team will need!

Yes, In-App Surveys Can Look Great!

Give a human touch to your surveys to improve response rate. Adapt surveys to your brand identity and product experience. Our customers have a 60+ response rate to their surveys, with 90% of people responding in less than 30 seconds.

Customer Feedback Analysis based on AI

Analyse thousands of feedback in seconds with AI. Get summaries of your responses, categories of feedback or even product improvements recommandations based on what your users ask.

Made for Every Product Team

B2B SaaS
Screeb helps us to spot product improvements and to align our teams on the right priorities. It became a central tool for our Product Team to build the future of accounting software.

Arthur Waller

CEO @Pennylane

B2C Mobile App
Our industry is highly competitive so we need to craft the best app on the market.Screeb helps us to that at every stage of our projects.

Louay Ali

Principal Product Owner @Rabbit

Checking Screeb is now the first thing I do every morning. It helps us to spot frictions and improvement opportunities that we’ve never discovered before.

Florian Ardérighi

Head of Product @Smallable

Get started with Screeb today