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Customer Feedback Tools Comparison - Sprig VS Usabilla

Sprig VS Usabilla

What is the best tool for your business? Looking to compare Sprig with Usabilla? Enjoy a detailed comparison of Sprig VS Usabilla.

Sprig, formerly UserLeap, is a real-time customer insights platform, while Usabilla, a SurveyMonkey company, is known for its user-friendly feedback buttons and custom-made surveys. Sprig offers micro-surveys for actionable insights, while Usabilla provides a unique visual feedback option. Pricing starts at $175/month for Sprig and $5000/year for Usabilla.

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Discover how Sprig compare with Usabilla

What is



Sprig, formerly known as UserLeap, is a real-time customer insights platform designed to help product teams collect, analyze, and act on user feedback. Launched with the core aim of enhancing product decisions, Sprig empowers businesses to solicit micro-surveys from their users at key moments in their product journey, enabling them to gather actionable insights on user experience and behaviour.

Sprig's intuitive platform takes a fresh approach to traditional user research by integrating with your product and surfacing surveys directly to your users within your application or website. This seamless approach ensures an organic and unobtrusive experience for the user while allowing product teams to gather real-time feedback about new features, user experience, or even potential stumbling blocks.

Sprig provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard, where the feedback collected is analyzed and presented in an easily digestible manner, offering valuable insights that can drive product improvements and optimizations. With a dedication to swift, actionable feedback, Sprig is a powerful tool for product managers who aim to maintain a user-centric focus while continuously improving their product.

What is



Usabilla, a SurveyMonkey company, is a customer feedback solution that aims to streamline how businesses collect, analyze, and leverage user feedback to improve their products or services. The platform focuses on enhancing customer-centric strategies and enabling informed decision-making for product teams and businesses.

Usabilla's platform is recognized for its user-friendly feedback buttons and custom-made surveys that can be embedded on websites, emails, and apps. This gives businesses the flexibility to capture feedback at different customer touchpoints, providing a comprehensive view of the customer experience.

One of Usabilla's unique features is its visual feedback option, which allows users to provide feedback directly on live web pages or app screens. This feature enables users to highlight specific elements in their feedback, ensuring that businesses understand precisely what their feedback relates to.


online reviews

While Sprig is celebrated for its immediate user insights and comprehensive customer journey tracking, it's not without its shortcomings. A user on TrustRadius suggested that Sprig's utility seems to be more significant for websites with substantial traffic. This insinuation suggests that businesses with less web traffic might not be able to fully harness the potential of Sprig's capabilities. This could be a significant limitation for businesses that do not have a high volume of web traffic. Moreover, the reviews did not emphasize any significant advantages in terms of advanced analytics or integration with other platforms. This could indicate a potential weakness in these crucial areas, which are often essential for businesses seeking comprehensive insights and seamless workflow integration. This observation suggests that Sprig may fall short for businesses seeking advanced analytics and integration features.


online reviews

On the positive side, users appreciate Usabilla's ability to collect continuous feedback, monitor trends through an analytics dashboard, and gather in-context data. The tool is praised for its ease of use, intuitive feedback collection, and comprehensive reporting features. It's also noted for its ability to manage feedback across multiple brands, providing both an aggregate and granular view of customer experiences.

However, Usabilla has been criticized for its lack of ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance, which excludes a significant user group - disabled users. One user mentioned that the platform is not accessible to assistive technologies such as screen readers, it's not keyboard accessible, and there are extensive color contrast issues, making it difficult for users with low vision.

Another area of concern is the tool's functionality compared to its competitors. Some users have pointed out that Usabilla doesn't allow video responses or recordings of the user's screen like some competitors. It's also primarily limited to desktop instead of mobile web or app, and requires some engineering help to target certain JavaScript event triggers.

Comparison Table

Enjoy a comprehensive comparison table between those two tools



From $175/month
From $5000/year
In-App Surveys
User Targeting
Pre-Built Feedback Report
Feedback Analysis with AI
Mobile SDK
Unmoderated User Tests
Product Analytics
Session Recording
GDPR Compliant

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